Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

So I wake up, feeling completely rested, and it's 7AM. On a Saturday. What's up with that?

Danielle's down for the weekend. She was gonna take apart her stuff for her impending move, but apparently there was this power failure - I don't know if you noticed that at all - so Shawn, the person who was subletting her room, didn't come to get the rest of his stuff. But once she's gone, I'll be all alone...

At least I've got my Futurama DVDs as something to do over the next... two weeks. God, that's a long time. And I'll have to go to work, too.

I'm reading T. H. White's The Once And Future King; where I'm about forty pages in. Nothing to comment about as yet, but it seems okay so far. Certainly a lot easier to read than Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur - and there ain't no apostrophe in that. Maybe they weren't invented yet when that was written - as opposed to White's books, written in the early days of World War II. Anyways, my copy of the Malory work is back in St. Catharines, so I won't be continuing to read that until next term at the earliest. (The link goes to part of Project Gutenberg, which publishes e-texts of famous works that have entered the public domain. Volume 2 of Le Morte Darthur can be found here.)

Okay, time for breakfast. Me so hungee...


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