Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Here's what I did today:

OS Assignment in the lab, stubbornly refusing to switch computers despite the fact the one I was using had an unfortunate tendency to turn off when I stood up. Yes, stand. No, I did not jiggle a cord or anything, I stood up, without touching anything, and the electromagnetic energy or something turned the bastard off. Sigh. Guess who screamed in the lab.

But it's done, and that's what's important.

I'm delivered to my door by Alison and Cressa, and upon entering, am promptly informed by Ernie, James and Zach that we're going to see the Matrix Revolutions. Concordantly, I decided to go.

My thoughts? I think I like it the best. I mean, I know that the original is the best of the bunch. It introduced new-to-Hollywood concepts and ideas, and wrapped it in genuinely interesting science fiction. But DAMMIT, do things blow up PURTY in Revolutions.

My thoughts on the second one remain unchanged (see June 9).


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