Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Saw The Bourne Supremacy last night. It was a good movie, greatness robbed from it by an overdependence on handheld camera shots. Was with Sri and Krissy, Sri agreed with me; and the motion caused by the camera seemed to make Krissy feel too ill to have any real thoughts about it. Hah. Crazy kids. Except they were in residence with me, so they're about the same age as me. REGARDLESS! Crazy kids.

There were times in the movie where we saw Matt Damon, and I thought, "boy, he looks old." His IMDB entry says he'll be turning 34 in October. He looks far older in this... but then, in his Eurotrip cameo he's almost unrecognizable as young generic punk-like lead singer. Regardless of whether his impending mortality is natural or not, he's clearly a hell of an actor. I'm not sure we can say the same for his buddy Ben.

I'm also working my way through the book. The "Suggested by Isaac Asimov" credit at the end of I, Robot (aka Generic Will Smith Action Movie #446)? More appropriate here for Supremacy. I'm about a third of the way through it, and there's even less resemblance than The Bourne Identity had with the book it was based on. Europe != China.

I'm thinking. I'm a slow thinker.


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