Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I ache.

Campus day was today, when all the high school kids - who hadn't even started high school when I got here - came to see the school. I signed up to be a tour guide, and was given a time slot from 1 to 2:30. Alas, there were very few people seeking tours at that point, so I switched over into clean-up. So instead of giving tours to impressionable youngsters, I stacked tables and chairs. While I appeared to be the strongest one doing this, the experience, combined with the hauling of the "new" computer (not the iBook; a post about it will come from it once I get around to installing a new web browser on the damn thing) has convinced me that I need to start going to the gym - I would be quite pleased if moderate lifting didn't quite make me so sore.

But in the meantime, I ache.


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