Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Friday, August 27, 2004

So I was going through my crap before leaving for California, and found a blog post that I'd written on the back of an envelope. Because I was bored and had no computer. There are a couple more that I couldn't find, but here's February 14 2004:

Best lines heard on TV on Valentine's Day:
1) "Are you an introvert or an extrovert?" - the guy on Elimidate.
2) "Hotels.com knows exactly how far away major landmarks are from your hotel." - commercial for hotels.com. The feature is showed off on screen; it sasy "approximately _ miles".
3) The kid crying on Trading Spaces after his room was made over. The mother seemed happy though.

So this was written on an envelope. Because I wanna write stuff, but still do not have a computer. There'd've been a contraction back there, but there was enough room for do but not "n't", and too much space for me to just skip it an make me feel happy.

Back to the list:
4) "I've gotta get Chip to the concert before all these women - and my Dad - tear the town apart!" - Timmy in Fairly Oddparents
5) Kitchen Fresh Chicken. My God.

Also, I figure the REAL reason the Teen Titans theme song sounded like it was in Japanese the first time I heard it - it was; there are two versions.

[and that's it. Watching TV on Valentines Day. This time in California, I can put a potential blog post in Notepad or GVim or something if I don't have internet right away.]


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