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Lost Causes
The Swear Jar
Cressa Curtis Dani Ernie James Jen Raymond Sana'aI know more people, I'm just drawing a blank. Complaining is the best way to change things, by the way.
Previous Posts
- I feel old. Add one to Mark's age today...
- I aten't dead.
- One week at work. Good stuff. Enjoying work, tak...
- Sitting in a coffee shop on Geneva Street in San F...
- So i don't have internet right now, except for thi...
- Arrived safe in sfo. Yay!
- On plane in pittsburgh. I think stephen king may b...
- Fuck. The plane is still in phillidelphia. It is s...
- So i figure writing a post on my cell is a good wa...
- And this is a post from my cell. I think i am read...
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