Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Name dropping...

Just got back from the movies. Saw Day After Tomorrow with Victor, Sri, and James - I thought it was pretty good. Nothing special. Better than Troy, since the only two actors who could pull off the atrocious dialogue in that were Eric Bana and Peter O'Toole. Here, there were some pretty good lines... like Mexico closing it's borders, heh.

Today was EngScunt, and I did that. Mostly trivia with Lynn, although I did head out for an activity or two. It's still going on, lasts until noon Saturday. I don't think I'm likely to make it back by then, although I forgot to return something to Generation X so I'll probably be heading out tomorrow morning anyways, so there's a possibility I'll see the end.

Somewhere in there I took Mark T, Lynn, and Peter (and someone else who's name I can't recall) to Mel's, mostly since Peter had never been there - he's a frosh. I still miss the old potatoes. It also made today the first day in more than a week that I haven't had beef.

Saw Ernie's sword. Seriously, he has a sword. It's not sharp, but it's a sword, and it's Ernie's. Thankfully, he's recognized this and Ernie drinking means James gets the sword.

Met the new VPF for MathSoc, Wendy. Seems to want me to do even more when the money thing comes around for Movie Night. Nothing big, not a problem. Does mean the amount of work I have to do with it has gone up by like 1000000%. Which is just an indication of how little I had to do before, as opposed to some new burden.

"Up yours, Zoidberg. Up wherever it is your species crams things."


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