Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Friday, January 09, 2004

So I get an e-mail from Google that is their usual graphics-rich deal, so I do this just to see what the damage is to my disk quota... I don't wanna be over, after all...
@rees[101]% diskquota
mecook (5334):
Kbytes Used Capacity
2000 1812 91% fs01.student.math:/home
100000 6468 06% fs02.student.cs:/cs-quota

So I'm like, "WTF? I don't think that many zeroes is quite right. Damn, things are messed up again." Until I scroll up a little and read this:

Subject: Diskquota changes to the student computing environments
From: "Jason Testart" (jatestart@cs.uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 15:00:16 -0500

On student.cs:
Effective the afternoon of January 9th, the base disk quota for all
accounts will increase from 2 MB to 10 MB. Additional quota for CS
students will increase from 8 MB to 90 MB. CS students effectively have
a base quota of 100 MB in the student.cs environment. Per-course quota
allocation remains unchanged, however CSCF may review and revise
quota allocation policies at a later date.

On student.math:
Effective the week of January 5th, additional quota for Math (non-CS)
students increased from 8MB to 18 MB. The base 2 MB quota remains in
effect for all accounts. Non-CS Math faculty students effectively have
a base quota of 20 MB in the student.math environment.

Hot damn! This makes me happy, though it is notable that math students get significantly less, which sucks. For them. I'm still okay. :)

Up next for me: "Leeeaving... on a jetplane... don't know when I'll be back again..."

That last bit is a lie. But it's a pretty song.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

God damn, I'm only in Canada for another day-and-a-half.