Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Friday, October 31, 2003

Happy Hallowe'en! Ya'll get... angsty poetry by me:

The hunter and the hunted,
The predator and the prey,
An oddysey without end.

A wretched desire
To flay a creature's flesh
Coming from within.

Sanity's blessing is control.
Insanity's curse is ignorance.
Ignorance is bliss.

The Tormented sits upon his bed,
His mind no longer his own,
His dreams that come from death.

Destiny comes on a wicked wind,
Sharp and cold,
Brought by a judge aboard a horse.

The Tormented sees his scourge arrive:
The lord of fate and chance;
The son of all who quake.

Underneath his bed,
His only hope,
A song to wake the dead.

He falls to the floor,
The judge makes a cut,
His powers' satisfied.

His voice cries out,
And so the struggle ends.

One walks away,
The bloodlust satisfied.

The other rests,
Life drains away,
Fading in cold grey eyes.

Trick or treat, ladies and gentlemen. Since we had four people get candy, I took it upon myself to, um, eat it. And I'm crashing down from the glorious sugar high, so I'm going to sign off, and go to bed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

So I showed up on Sana'a's webpage, like, a week ago, didn't notice until maybe yesterday, and I'm finally posting about it now. I should be reading other people's pages more often.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I just got back from Future Shop after purchasing Hulk on DVD.

And yes, that time stamp is correct.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

I erased my SSX Tricky file in favour of SSX 3.


Friday, October 24, 2003

Lost Causes is updated... tiny, at the end as always. If you wanna be in it, all you've gotta do is ask, and you'll appear when I caome up with something for ya. Alison; you're not here yet; but you DO have a line of dialogue (sitting on my hard drive... post edited 12:35 AM October 27 2003). Whoo! Words!

Thursday, October 23, 2003

That was SHOCKINGLY quick. Huh.

Not two years ago, we were taught how to deal with this page table crap that's showing up in CS 350 in CS 251. Now, I can't seem to keep it in my head.

So the question is, has my capacity for thought gone down in the last two years? I seem to suck at Super Mario Bros. now, which I beat in OAC... at least the concurrency crap is a snap.

Maybe it's just psychosomatic. We'll see. Back to studying, then get my interview (whoo!) shirt out of the dryer, then bed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Vaguely-football related thought:

Monday Night Football gets good when James goes to bed.

That's it. Go to bed.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

So I'm wondering whether I should give up on my CS 462 assignment for essentially the second time in a row - last time I was sick - to go to the Bomber. So I look up how much assignments are worth, as to make an informed decision.

5 Assignments.

60% of the mark comes from assignments.

Needless to say, I'm here to make this post.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Lost Causes update coming down the pipe. Check back soon for that. In the meantime:


Break time. Bed time, actually; not done yet, but getting there.

I decided to do this instead of write fifty words or so:

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Monday, October 13, 2003

Back from Thanksgiving. Things I've done today:
1) Eat.
2) Read Dune.
3) Go to Grandma's.
4) Read Dune outside.
5) Eat.
6) Come back here.
7) Eat.
8) Resolve to do essay.
9) Watch TV.
10) Eat.
11) Hook up Nintendo and Super Nintendo.
12) Play Nintendo.
13) Open Microsoft Word.
14) Eat.
15) More eating.
16) Good god, Stop the eating! ... what's that? Cake? If I have to.
17) Hook up Colecovision.
18) Play Zaxxon. Awwwww yeah.
19) Make this list.
20) Write essay.

...Actually, check football score.
21) Write essay. Probably. What?! It's the FUTURE, fer Chrissakes!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Hooray, updating from the lab!

So I'm sitting here, waiting for Nachos to compile. I say to myself, "Self? There's GOT to be something more constructive to do." So's I see Alison working on CS 341 and Cressa posting to her LiveJournal... while working on CS 341. So I decided to post here and not do CS 341, to complete the troika.

MathSoc Movie Night is going on right now... I'm still director this term, but I'm running it remotely. It's across the hall, so I'm not far away. I'm I'm I'm. I'm saying "I'm" a lot. Ugh. Staring at computer screen for too damn long.

Okay, nachos compiled. OS away!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Are you ready for some football?

One hour ago, I gave up on the Indianapolis Colts. They were down 21 points in the fourth quarter to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, last year's Superbowl champions and one of the most dominant defenses in the NFL ever.

The Colts just won, 38-35, in over time. It was the first time ever that a team down by 21 points with four minutes left in the fourth quarter has ever won the game. I'm glad I decided to check on ESPN.com what the final score was; only to see that the game was still going and that the Colts had made it close...

Sigh. People will be displeased. This is my first post of any real length in a while, and it's about football. Tomorrow, someone (possibly someone like Dani - not necessarily, I just wanna mix up the names that show up here) will be all like "Bleh. Football! Talk about something interesting!" and I'll be all like "I think football is interesting." And then they'll be all "Whatever." and the subject will be dropped.

Or I'll be in MORE trouble for that last paragraph then I would have been if I kept my mouth shut. Oh well :)

Monday, October 06, 2003

Well, I haven't heard from Cressa so if you're interested, check this out.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

And now everything's back to normal. All it really took me was a little bit of actually starting work. Gonna tweak colours and maybe layout a little over the next while, but I'm currently pretty happy with this thing.

Nothing works, but it's a start.

Here's a link to any crap I put up while this was messed up.