Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

So I wasn't sure if the bottle of scotch would make it to the actual weekend, when Jim started complaining about not having anything to drink. So I gave him apple pop and gin. And thus, the Mark Mark One was born. Jim's happy because he wanted the maple scotch (or whatever it was) and I didn't use it. But it's perfect here since it sprung from me just saying "I have this" and then getting it mixed together.

Also, Raymond complaining about how cold the pool is. Emilie isn't. I'm calling him a pussy. It has become synonomous with Raymond Lai. It also means cat.

Oh! And it's Cressa's birthday on Thursday in addition to Canada Day. She plans to spend it in the computer lab. Which is kinda crappy. But at least she gets an entire post by me to herself.

Canada Day weekend is coming up. Lynn is off to Ottawa for the weekend (and for her birthday party at home). Me? I'm here, along with Shawn and Curtis. So many of the other people who are sticking around Waterloo have things they've gotta finish. Personally, I've got to finish a bottle of scotch. Also databases. But yeah, bottle of scotch is more important.

It was Niniane's birthday on Monday. Happy birthday to her - I'd say belated, but I sent her an e-mail. She was a co-worker at you-know-where, and I should be starting work back there on August 30. And I'll be living with Gus, from residence. Hooray, people I know!

If you're in Waterloo on Friday, feel free to drop by. Maybe I'll BBQ you up a burger. Or maybe I won't be able to stand up. Either way, it'll be fun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

James's Journal - Scheme meets Quest - 2004-06-14 I posted about this a few days ago, as you may recall. But James has pictures. Well, one picture. But it's the Best Ever.

Done class for the day! Hurrah!

Christ. Travel Time > Class Time. That's not worth it at ALL.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

In case you've forgotten:

Saturday, June 19, 2004

I voted today in the advanced poll, here in the St. Catharines riding. I was signed up already, so it was easy. So, when election day comes around, don't come bothering me to vote, 'cause I alread did. Even though it wasn't for any of the candidates whose signs are displayed in front of 49 High, since none of them seem to be running in two places. Odd, that.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Swwet Zombie Jesus! Are the old pre-Blogger archives linked up again? Next thing you know I'll put back links to the crappy stuff I've written, or even add perma-links to other people's pages! I'm just as surprised as you are that there are other people on the internet. It's hard, but you'll learn to cope, just as I am learning to.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Video_player_06 Since Lynn just sent this to me and I really like it, I figured I'd post the link.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

ESPN.com - NBA - Pistons finish L.A. for first title since '90. Just thought you might like to know that the mighty Lakers got TAKEN DOWN.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

On Schemes and Quests

I get fixated on things really easily. See: cowboys, robots, DVDs. James does too, although they tend to be of the less esoteric variety. Put the two of us together on something, and it turns into a scheme or a quest.

A quest is the trip to get something. Recently was the Quest for Beer, which failed. Even more recently was the Quest for an Air Compressor, which was successful and only $14.99 at Canadian Tire. Once the something is acquired, the Quest is achieved.

A scheme is much more involved. Multistaged plans, bizarre ideas, ridiculous solutions. The Pool Scheme is an excellent illustration - it began with a Canadian Tire commercial, and blossomed into the 12' diameter above ground pool sitting on the patio in the backyard. Involved in the scheme are inflating part of the pool on the roof of James's car and a Barbie beachball with "G.I. Joe Rules!!!" written on with a Sharpie.

The scheme can involve one (or more) quest. Similarly, a quest may require one (or more) schemes. For example, on the Quest for Beer, numerous beer stores in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Guelph were contacted using a Blackberry to find out if they had Red Cap. Alas, even the brewery was sold out on this occasion. The Pool Scheme required the Quest for a Pump, which became the Quest for an Air Compressor.

Without both of us, it is unlikely the Pool Scheme would have gotten off the ground. The Quest for Beer... maybe. It wasn't TOO complicated, it could have been a one man operation. But it wouldn't have been as interesting, nor would there have been as many Whoppers.

Shower, eat, sleep. Hurray!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Christian Exodus :: Come Out of Her, My People - sure, but what about everybody in South Carolina who likes things the way they are?

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Lots of movies this weekend.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with Lynn. Enjoyed that a lot.
Chronicles of Riddick, which could have used an extra half an hour to flesh everything out. That's right, the movie should have been longer.
Finally, watched Versus, for which we were drinking, and I guarantee that's the best way for this one. I did like it though.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

This makes me angry. I like a LOT of what the new Conservative Party is saying, but it's idiotic stuff like this and the use of the notwithstanding clause that just make it so I can't vote Conservative in good conscience.

Stupid politics.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Classic NES Series for Game Boy Advance: Excitebike! Zelda! Mark is weak at Future Shop! Film at 8:15!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

My plans for tomorrow? See legal services about height requirements for a small pool that's large enough for me to actually be concerned, perhaps buy a pool, do my algorithm assignment, check some stuff for Dani that she and her James are concerned about, and buy some shorts from the mall. More days like today, I need some shorts. Maybe Bomber, but that's a pretty full day. Man, I haven't been there in AGES.

I am worried about the chance of thundershowers. Don't wanna walk in that crap.

skop.com I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives [KeyJay, ultrainteractive KungFu Remixer] This kicks so much ass I cannot even describe it.

Monday, June 07, 2004

With reference to my essay that I'm writing for my night class tomorrow - the manner in which it has progressed since I left school today has been Calgary losing the Stanley Cup, ribs as a snack, determining where we'd put a pool in the backyard if it turns out we'd like one (and things are looking bright on that front), finding Dani in ICQ, eating another steak for dinner, cheese-stuffed mushrooms for another snack, and becoming President of the Internet. But no actual increase to word count.

I'm sure you're all stunned at that little revelation.

www.NFL.com - New York Giants Team News What? Football? Cressa is angry.

I just enjoy that currently, the New York Giants starting quarterback is neither the two time NFL MVP nor the the #1 draft pick, for whom they gave up about a million OTHER draft picks; but the god damn Bachelor. Yes, that The Bachelor. And he's Canadian, too.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

So, on occasion, I fancy myself a bartender. Usually at about the same point I would get taken off the grill at a barbecue. Thankfully, I've got a book so now I know what goes in a B-52 when you ask for one. Doesn't mean I've got the stuff, of course. Mark's Drinks are categorically not in my book. But I like them. Well, most of them...

Saturday, June 05, 2004

ESPN.com - GEN - The Gipper: Reagan long linked to sports - Ronald Reagan died today. Ernie and I had to stop watching the CNN coverage since we kept making horribly inappropriate jokes. Reagan was president of the United States from 1981 - 1988. He also made movies with monkeys. That makes him okay in my book. He plunged the United States into an economic downturn with an attempt at "trickle-down economics," and with the help of Mikhail Gorbachev, thawed the Cold War, bringing peace to the world. Am I giving him too much credit? Probably. For both things. Regardless of whether or not I agree with his politics or the Republican Party, he was, to me, a good person. And in the end, that's all we can really hope to be.

Win one for the Gipper, people.

So I went to Future Shop today (among other places, like St Jacob's), and got Versus. I'm weak.

While this weekend will be spent, in part, watching Disney movies, as mandated by my Children's Literature course and the essay that's due on Tuesday, I really wanna watch this.

The description makes me wanna add some stuff to the TV show James and I came up with, Buckaroo Buccaneers in Time.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Stat 231 quiz tomorrow. Means I didn't go to the Bomber, meaning I'll have to put off seeing Cressa for sure until a week Thursday. My deepest and sincerest apologies to her. (Hah. An effort to Google for her LiveJournal gives me this, meaning one day she'll be as mysterious to CS 134 students at UWaterloo as this Frank Tompa person also mentioned is to me.)

Am I scared of Stats? A little. Obviously, not so hot last time. We'll see this time. The Aspect of a Problem: Coffee & Donuts. It's a mnemonic, Catherine. In the oh-so-unlikely event you're reading this. I could never remember it before.

Been on a Western kick. Not UWO, but rather High Noon and it's ilk. Ernie and myself are working our way through Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" Trilogy. All we've done is Fistful of Dollars, up next is, presumably, A Few Dollars More, with The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and the tangentially associated High Plains Drifter waiting in the wings. Also means I got me Red Dead Revolver for my PS2, and that I spent valuable Stats or Bomber time shooting at James and Raymond on the TV as a cowboy. But it was fun, so there's THAT, at least.

Come to MathSoc Movie Night tomorrow. Shrek and Return of the King. Mention my blog and I'll let you in for half price.