So things have actually happened to me. Chef Charlie's serving food here again; he stopped while in the process of moving his staff to Google's new buildings (aka Silicon Graphics' old buildings). So now they've got
Jones Soda in the cafeteria. So I got one, and the bottle cap just would NOT come off. After many tries (and failures), Mihai (a co-worker - work with me here) finally got it open (I had already finished another one by this point, since the cap came right off) through some complicated method which I don't care to describe. Jones Soda puts fortunes taken from fortune cookies underneath their caps, and this one told me "Serious trouble will bypass you."
Although, I guess getting the cap off a bottle isn't terribly serious.
Something new:
Quicksilver, by Neal Stephenson
Boring for the first part, picked up when it stopped concerning itself with Daniel Waterhouse and turned its attention to Jack Shaftoe. Except Dr. Waterhouse has now made his return. I may wait for the paperbacks of the next two books in the series.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, vol. 2 by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill
While the movie was garbage, the original comics are great. The same premise, that all works of fiction
actually happened, but executed with style. This is also an adaptation of a
classic work of science fiction.
Masks of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson
The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri, translated by John Ciardi