Happy Hallowe'en! Ya'll get... angsty poetry by me:
The hunter and the hunted,
The predator and the prey,
An oddysey without end.
A wretched desire
To flay a creature's flesh
Coming from within.
Sanity's blessing is control.
Insanity's curse is ignorance.
Ignorance is bliss.
The Tormented sits upon his bed,
His mind no longer his own,
His dreams that come from death.
Destiny comes on a wicked wind,
Sharp and cold,
Brought by a judge aboard a horse.
The Tormented sees his scourge arrive:
The lord of fate and chance;
The son of all who quake.
Underneath his bed,
His only hope,
A song to wake the dead.
He falls to the floor,
The judge makes a cut,
His powers' satisfied.
His voice cries out,
And so the struggle ends.
One walks away,
The bloodlust satisfied.
The other rests,
Life drains away,
Fading in cold grey eyes.
Trick or treat, ladies and gentlemen. Since we had four people get candy, I took it upon myself to, um, eat it. And I'm crashing down from the glorious sugar high, so I'm going to sign off, and go to bed.