Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Friday, August 29, 2003


Maybe you'll here from me here; maybe you won't. That's something we'll have to find out about in the future, isn't it?

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I just put my two major long form writing works throught the Gender Genie, and have come to one conclusion... I write like a girl.

Of course, I really have to wonder if it's more because I'm submitting works of fiction... I tried my work report, and it was aaaaaaaalllllllllll man, baybee.

Only 2 more days without TV... then I can go home after moving my stuff... then I can come back and be without TV again... anyone out there going to have TV during Frosh Week?

Alicia moved out, and she took the TV with her. It IS her TV, after all.

If you thought I was bored before...

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Also in the my list of textbooks? Frank Herbert's Dune for Engl 208B. So there really WAS a good reason to stay home from work and watch the Dune Marathon.

I just checked the books I have to get for next term... and my Classical Studies text I bought last term, that they use for Clas 225 and Clas 226?

They just incremented edition numbers.

I'll have to see if I can get away with not buying it...

I was just re-reading the post for August 18, and wouldn't you know it, but Megatron's plan was foiled by the giant weapon taking all episode to recharge. I really know my hackeneyed cartoon plots.

You may have noticed how you were unable to access my, nay, any UW CS major's student webpage. Well, check out the URL. That's right, www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca - it was down due to the migration of CS students away from math.

Separation of Math and Computer Science - like Church and State, only without making as much sense.

Monday, August 25, 2003

I just noticed that this thing doesn't keep that many posts around... so be sure to check the archive for older things. The link is to the right.

Wow. You learn something new every day.

So the NFL Regular Season starts Thursday, September 4... but I won't have cable until the afternoon of Monday, September 8. Bah. I guess I'll have to go out drinking or something to a sports bar. At least I'll be out of the house. Plus, I'm closer to everything next term too, what with the whole walking distance from the school thing going on. Not having to take the bus makes me happy.

Yeah, I'm just rambling. Shut up. You do it sometimes, too. Trust me.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Wow, my walls look so different without the posters... so barren... so... biege.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

So I'm cleaning up, and I find my CS 241 Assignment 3... the one where I lost 10 marks... twice... for not following instructions. I wish I had found that in Winter term, it woulda made my job of defending why the students lost marks for the same reason THAT much easier. Oh well. Into the garbage it goes.

CRAP! IT'S SATURDAY! I hereby resign my commission as blogging machine.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

This is mostly to maintain the image that I am, in fact, a blogging MACHINE. Eat my words of wisdom, beeyotches.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

So this is about football AND video games, totally alienating Cressa.

I rented Madden 2004 for PS2 from Blockbuster today. I was jonesing for some new video game football, as NFL 2K3 has lust its lustre after a year. I've found that I really do much prefer NFL 2K3 to it. I'll play it for the next few days though, I DID pay for it. There's nothing BAD about Madden, graphics are pretty good (not as good as 2K3 IMO, but there ya go), and the features are incredible. The thing is practically Sim Pro Football Franchise. But there's just something about the gameplay... probably me just not being used to it. Nonetheless, it's enough to discourage me from purchasing it.

Of course, since ESPN NFL Football comes out during frosh week - four months ago it went by the name NFL 2K4 - I'll still be spending money.

Best quote ever: “This case is not about a monument. It’s not about politics or religion. It’s about the acknowledgment of God.” - Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, concerning the displaying (and imminent removal) of the Ten Commandments from an Alabama judicial building.

Check out the story here. Personally, I wouldn't have put them there; but I don't really see what the problem is in displaying them. Maybe that's just my not-really-religious-but-still-admittedly-Christian-based background kicking in.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

I just saw a commercial for "All-New" Kool-Aid Jammers, and I thought to myself, "Isn't that what they called the Kool-Aid that came in those cheap plastic bottles when I was 8? And then, shouldn't it just be Mostly-New or something?" E-mail or ICQ me at 89432835 to tell me I'm wrong or reassure me that I'm not crazy.

Continuing my oh-so-exciting Monday Night, I watched Monday Night Football in preparation for the regular season. No, I'm not gonna blather on about how so-and-so looks really good, as I learned last year with my predictions of greatness for the Washington Redskins, that's a sucker's game. I will go as far as saying there will be two teams in the Superbowl, one from the AFC and one from the NFC. And I will even say that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won last year. But this year? Who knows? Not I.

Where was I? Oh, right. Anyways, the aforementioned Bucs were playing tonight, which made me think of the movie I went to see on Saturday: Pirates of the Caribbean, the second of Disney's latest trip of making movies based on rides, which began with The Country Bears and will continue with The Haunted Mansion, if I recall the trip I made to Walt Disney World when I was eight correctly. Pirates of the Caribbean was, as John Madden would put it, a heckuva good movie. Keira Knightley was beautiful ("but she's only 18!"), Johnny Depp was hilarious and dashing all at the same time, Geoffrey Rush was a brilliant villian and Orlando Bloom... didn't do anything that really stood out. But I hear that "he's so dreeeeeeeeaaaaaammmmmyyyyy," so that's probably good.

Okay, sleep now.

Monday, August 18, 2003

I'm watching Transformers Armada on YTV, since I'm bored, and I see that the Decepticons have just built this super weapon. Megatron says, "Point it at the Autobot base and destroy them!", which is really quite sensible. But Starscream's all like, "But that'll destory the Earth, too!" Which is fine, this new Starscream has a bit of a conscience, that's acceptable. But then this other Decepticon says "We can't target the Autobot base. It's on the other side of Earth." Think about that. If your giant cannon thing will destroy the planet and you don't care that the planet's gonna be destroyed, why not just destroy the planet and take the base with it, instead of vice versa? Sigh. The old Megatron, from MY (probably our) day, just would have fired the damn thing, but been thwarted because it took all episode to build up energy, giving plenty of time for the Autobots to get there and save the day. Or the Autobots wouldn't have been so stupid and trust "Hey, I'm the traitor! ME!" Starscream, which they apparently did last week, or Friday, or whenever, and give him the opportunity to steal all the parts.

This has led me to the following inescapable conclusions:
1) I'm scary when left alone.
2) I watch too much TV.

So everyone feel free to visit anytime, or even better, drag me somewhere that's not my couch. I promise to be as unscary as possible when you're around.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

So I wake up, feeling completely rested, and it's 7AM. On a Saturday. What's up with that?

Danielle's down for the weekend. She was gonna take apart her stuff for her impending move, but apparently there was this power failure - I don't know if you noticed that at all - so Shawn, the person who was subletting her room, didn't come to get the rest of his stuff. But once she's gone, I'll be all alone...

At least I've got my Futurama DVDs as something to do over the next... two weeks. God, that's a long time. And I'll have to go to work, too.

I'm reading T. H. White's The Once And Future King; where I'm about forty pages in. Nothing to comment about as yet, but it seems okay so far. Certainly a lot easier to read than Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur - and there ain't no apostrophe in that. Maybe they weren't invented yet when that was written - as opposed to White's books, written in the early days of World War II. Anyways, my copy of the Malory work is back in St. Catharines, so I won't be continuing to read that until next term at the earliest. (The link goes to part of Project Gutenberg, which publishes e-texts of famous works that have entered the public domain. Volume 2 of Le Morte Darthur can be found here.)

Okay, time for breakfast. Me so hungee...

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Ironically enough, now I do have something to add... anyone especially curious about my class schedule this Fall, I spent about the last hour of my Friday night (I'm cool!) cooking this up.

I have nothing to say, this post is just me playing with a new toy.

Friday, August 08, 2003

Archive is fixed, webpage is changed over, and that, as they say, is that.

Here's the old stuff, in the old style.

Oh, and someone remind me to learn XHTML.

So here's the deal: I'm kinda tired of updating this damn thing directly with vi - although, once school starts again, that may be what I revert to - so I'm using this.

Pretty swanky, huh? I'll be editing this template, too, to something more personal. Eventually. Maybe.

Also, the archive doesn't work; however, seeing as the only thing in there right now is, well, this, that's not too bad. Gives me a month to fix it, anyways.