I did four things since my last update:
1) Eat.
2) Watch movies.
3) Play catch.
4) Sleep.
Mostly eating and sleeping. This was a good weekend.
Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.
I did four things since my last update:
Name dropping...
Forbes.com: Google, Microsoft take battle to the desktop - I don't know if I'd have called it "Puffin." I guess that's why I'm not in marketing.
Yesterday, myself, Samir, Soo, Emilie and Raymond went to St. Jacobs Farmer's Market. There, I purchased many things: apple (apple-rhubarb?) crisp, fudge (butterscotch, for those interested), apricots (healthy, but very, very good), and a T-Bone steak. It cost me about $18; it was 2.19 lbs. And I just ate it all. Then I ate some fudge. I think I'll have some of the crisp now.
Phil! You're DEAD, Weiner.
Yeah, I've updated this thing. The Blogback comments are gone... I can go read them, but no one else can. New template means some of my links are gone; they'll return when I get around to putting them back. No promises as to a timeframe. If you know the old URLs, they'll still work. Here's the link to the Lost Causes script, since I know that's something everyone seems to like.
Blogger's added some new features, like built in commenting. I have no idea how this is going to look.
So I went home for the weekend - Mother's Day, plus I've been without my pillows and comforter. Thanks to Raymond and Ernie for the pillow and sleeping bag respectively. You'll have your stuff back on Sunday. Curtis and Catherine, I'll pay you back when you see me.
UPS Global Home: My first post back at school isn't a "things are going super!" missive, it's an I-hate-UPS RANT. I can't bring myself to go to sleep until I've gotten this off my chest: Fuck you, United Parcel Service.
This is a seminal post in the history of my blog - the last one from Mountain View, indicating the end of my co-op term as a Google intern. It's a weird feeling. Tomorrow at about 12:35 PDT, my flight leaves SFO. It's supposed to land in Buffalo at 9:58 after a stopover in Detroit. The airport in Detroit has wireless access, so maybe you'll get a post from me there... but probably not, since I have to pay for that.