Old I Say Thee Nay!

Stupid links, random comments, and occasionally even sustained insight.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sitting in a coffee shop on Geneva Street in San Francisco called Claddagh Coffee. They had a wifi sticker in the window, just what I was looking for. Here are some linka I would have put up in my previous posts:
Stephen King
Buffalo Niagara International Airport
The weather in Philadelphia yesterday (note the lack of rain... ran into a girl at the airport (SFO) who had just finished law school and also said it was pretty okay there, since she went to school in Philly - I smell a mystery!)

This post also shoves almost all of the non-trip stuff off the first page. Which just shows you how often I was bored in an airport. I got good at typing on the numberpad though.

So i don't have internet right now, except for this. If you sent an important e-mail, call me. Anyone who left comments, you're great for doing it but i cannot read them on my phone, i can only tell that they are there - about the only thing i can see, actually. I will try to find a place with free wifi today, but no promises.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Arrived safe in sfo. Yay!

On plane in pittsburgh. I think stephen king may be as well. He is in 1st class though, i am at the back.

Fuck. The plane is still in phillidelphia. It is supposed to leave here in 30 minutes. Hopefully i will not miss my connection.

So i figure writing a post on my cell is a good way to kill a couple of hours. It is not at the level of my typical posts due to typing with number pad. Note: still excessively verbose.

so this post comes to you from the buffalo airport while i wait for my flight to pittsburgh (then sf). It is nice if small. My parents dropped me off very early since my dad was worried about border traffic. We got thru quick.

more from pittsburgh. Maybe.

Friday, August 27, 2004

And this is a post from my cell. I think i am ready to go now :)

So I was going through my crap before leaving for California, and found a blog post that I'd written on the back of an envelope. Because I was bored and had no computer. There are a couple more that I couldn't find, but here's February 14 2004:

Best lines heard on TV on Valentine's Day:
1) "Are you an introvert or an extrovert?" - the guy on Elimidate.
2) "Hotels.com knows exactly how far away major landmarks are from your hotel." - commercial for hotels.com. The feature is showed off on screen; it sasy "approximately _ miles".
3) The kid crying on Trading Spaces after his room was made over. The mother seemed happy though.

So this was written on an envelope. Because I wanna write stuff, but still do not have a computer. There'd've been a contraction back there, but there was enough room for do but not "n't", and too much space for me to just skip it an make me feel happy.

Back to the list:
4) "I've gotta get Chip to the concert before all these women - and my Dad - tear the town apart!" - Timmy in Fairly Oddparents
5) Kitchen Fresh Chicken. My God.

Also, I figure the REAL reason the Teen Titans theme song sounded like it was in Japanese the first time I heard it - it was; there are two versions.

[and that's it. Watching TV on Valentines Day. This time in California, I can put a potential blog post in Notepad or GVim or something if I don't have internet right away.]

Leaving for California tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Here is a little doo-dad I've put together:

Monday, August 23, 2004

Mother Fucker.

(Found via boingboing)

Sunday, August 22, 2004

So's I don't forget, tentative schedule for next term:
CLAS 252 2:30 MWF
CS 454 11:30 TR (or 8:30; my enrollment appointment is always late... stupid Stat 231)
HIST 102 11:30 MWF
PMATH 330 10:30 MWF
PMATH 340 1:30 MWF

And that could be my Winter term. I already LOVE my six time a week sprint from MC to AL; but that's something I can live with.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

It's always better on holiday, so much better on holiday. That's why we only work when we need the money. My flight leaves next Saturday from Buffalo around now. Back to the land of In-N-Out Burger. Good burgers; odd fries, but that seems to come from the potatoes out there - McDonald's had the same taste.

You leave me broken, shattered I lie. We're just a cross-hair; just a shot then we can die. It's been a week since I saw Alien vs Predator, and I've been allowing it to sit in my mind while I watched Alien, Aliens, and Alien3 - Alien: Resurrection and Predator are up next. It's entertaining enough, but lacking the sense of tension that was in any of the previous movies (although I've never seen Alien: Resurrection). Apparently the PG-13 rating was installed 3 weeks before release, and a half hour was cut out. It was a mess in several places; hopefully we'll get an R-rated director's cut when it hits DVD. It's probably a good idea to save your money until you can rent it.

You see her, you can't touch her. But then, she's in Athens, playing Olympic Women's Beach Volleyball. The best sport ever. Which other sport has competitors older than sixteen and bottoms that ride up? Maybe some of the Aquatics, but they wear one-pieces. Plus, they've also got synchronized diving which isn't just one strike against them, it's about twenty-eight strikes. That's three innings worth of strike-outs, and a pitcher's count on whoever is up. The ribbon is better than synchronized diving, and that's probably only due to longevity. What in God's name is the point of two people doing the same thing at the same time? I'll give synchonized swimming a pass, because that sport is more like someone thought, "What's the hardest thing we could possibly make an athelete do? Okay, now how can we make it harder?" But synchronized diving? Come on. But Women's beach volleyball is fucking BRILLIANT. I should go see if that's on now.

Big ups to these guys for a single good enough to get me to buy their CD.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Excepting a few things I may have accidentally left behind, my stuff is back in St. Catharines; some of it for the first time. It's an odd feeling to leave home. That's what it feels like - Waterloo is home now. In the last four years, I have spent four months here in St. Catharines, four months in California, and the rest in Waterloo. Ernie looked horrified at this revelation.

But now my stuff is here. My room is full. Why shouldn't it be? It contains almost twenty-three years worth of my life, minus whatever is in the hallway and living room. What affects me most these days, at least; there aren't any baby things around.

The box containing most of my books split in transit. Spilling out into the trunk were textbooks, novels, course notes, everything. A Prayer For Owen Meany lies next to Unix in a Nutshell. The Godfather seems to preside over the mayhem. Some of the books have been in storage for long enough in a bad enough position that they have become damaged. My Java Structures book, the once-upon-a-time CS 134 textbook, has a curve in it. Impressive, as it is a hardcover. Meanwhile, my copy of Beowulf is miraculously undamaged. It's a good metaphor for my mind - it feels like it has been split open. The computer science is damaged goods, while the artistic and the archaeological feels much more viable. Maybe this is but the hangover from exams. Maybe this is me conveniently ignoring my classical studies texts being mauled.

A golf ball is the last thing to be removed from the box. It makes me think of Lynn and smile. This particular golf ball has nothing to do with her, as it has been in my possession for much longer than I've known her. But we did mini-putt today, and that's enough. I'll miss her.

I think perhaps I'll reread Beowulf now.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Last night in Waterloo for 2004. To everyone I didn't get say goodbye to in person, and even those whom I did or will: thank you for being here this term - this year, really - and I'll see you in January.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

So my page has moved from the safe confines of the University of Waterloo's CS Environment to blogspot. Why? Simple: I'm not gonna be at school forever, and now (during a break from databases studying, the final for which is tomorrow morning) seems like a good a time as any.

There are probably some broken links somewhere, as they'd refer to stuff that's over on the school's server in some horrible way. Tell me about them and I can go fix them. That is all. You may go about your business now.

Monday, August 09, 2004

An hour and a half following completion, I'm willing to say that it has been completed successfully. Winner and new Champeen...

So a couple of years ago, like Apollo Creed in Rocky, Stat 231 won a close fight by Judges decision.

Fortunately, it's sequel time. Like Apollo Creed in Rocky II, the champ demands a rematch. So with a little luck and the training (read: studying) I did, the upcoming match should be a good one. Just like Rocky II. Only without stuff like the baby or the wife in the coma.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

My loosening grip on sanity due to the ever-present pressure of exam studying decending upon me has allowed me to approach comprehending this, and has made me interested in further research in the area. Basically, it says the universe is actually a two-dimensional space consisting entirely of information. I think. Anyone know where I could find the original paper or even a free copy of the August 2003 issue of Scientific American?

Monday, August 02, 2004

Ever notice how the more you study for exams, the less and less sane you become? I have. Also, in a funny inverse way to most people, who are procrastinating, my posting into my blog has decreased. That implies I'm actually studying.

You don't have to sounds so surprised.

Anyways, Mom & Dad took me out for dinner last night. That was good. And Mom gave me food so I don't even have to cook. Today I got Sealab 2021 Season 1 on DVD, and Ich bein impressed. I think that may be because studying means I've lost it completely. Evidence: every time I see the word "implies" in the first paragraph, I think it says nipples. But that might be completely unrelated.